Undoubtedly the British and French have created problems in the Middle east. However, due to the Sykes-Picot agreement in 1916 most of the territory was given to Britain. Thus the onus for what has happend in the Middle East is more on England than France. Despite this the British and the French were still responsible in dividing up the former Ottoman territories into mandates. The Balfour Declaration which was a British initiative, promised to set up a Jewish homeland in Palestine. But, this is where the Problem was created, because the French also promised the Arabs independence in the very same region. This began the Israeli-Arab conflict. But, Britain specially was quiet responsable for what happen because they promised the Israelis the region after France gave the arabs independence. After this the British handed over the problem to the UN but at this point little could be done to solve what had happend. The UN did the best they could to create world peace but unfortunately it is, for the most part, an unsolvable conflict. 

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