The Conflicts between Iran, Iraq and Kuwait were ignited by religious tension but were fueled by oil resources. When the Shiite revolution occurred in Iran and the Shah is replaced by Ayatollah Khomeini it concerned Saddam Hussein deeply. Hussein is the Sunni leader of Iraq and fears a Shiite revolution. Khomeini is anti-American thus they supported Iraq. War eventually breaks out from the fear that revolution would spread to Iraq. Thus far in this conflict it is a religion based war; however they both claimed territory of each others (Oil). Saddam Hussein claims Kuwait and starts the first Gulf war. August 1990 Iraq invades Kuwait. This is done because of the oil fields in Kuwait. America says "no more Munich s" proclaimed by George Bush Sr. and place sanctions on Iraq to pull out. This quote refers to the hard line stance against appeasement; however Bush perhaps is also pushed because of oil. All and all The conflicts in these Arab nations were caused from both religious reasons and the allure oil resources. 

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